星期五 , 12月 27 2024
首页 / 排行榜 / CKU百场BIS俱乐部–Filas, 开心家族Club of Over-Hundred BIS-Filas, from Kai Xin Jia Zu Kennel

CKU百场BIS俱乐部–Filas, 开心家族Club of Over-Hundred BIS-Filas, from Kai Xin Jia Zu Kennel

CKU百场BIS俱乐部–Filas, 开心家族Club of Over-Hundred BIS-Filas, from Kai Xin Jia Zu Kennel

作为一个犬展从业者,发烧友,我们经常看到美国,欧洲,日韩的百场俱乐部成员介绍,作为一只赛犬,能够获得一百场OPEN BIS级别的赏励,是莫大的荣耀,CKU成立十周年以来,到2017.10月厦门比赛为止,一共出现了多只百场BIS级别的犬只,犬界网最近将一一介绍这些犬只,这是我们国内的荣誉起点,我务必期待这个俱乐部越来越壮大。

As the practioner in dog industry and a fancier of dogs. We used to see Over-hundred clubs in America, Europe , Japan and South Korea introudcing their members. It is a distinguished honor for a show dog to win one hundred OPEN BIS. And since the establishment of CKU, as of October,2017, the  show in Xia Men this year, ten years has past. CKU also has five Over-Hundred dogs. Dog Show World will continue to introduce these five dogs to all dog lovers. They are the start of Chinese dog glory and the club’s expectation is on them.





注册名:INT GR (CH.CN)Ggc numina kicking the show of jiajia kennel





Call Name: Filas

Registered Name:GR (CH.CN)Ggc numina kicking the show of jiajia kennel

Date Of Birth:March 3/2014

Owner: Kai Xin Jia Zu Kennel–Yang Xi

Breeder:NectarLand PWC

Handler:Yu Kai


主要荣誉(截止2017.10月厦门比赛):2016全犬种本土排行一,2016全犬种总榜排行二,2016中国柯基排行一,2015本土柯基排行一。 主要成绩:2017亚洲杯全场总冠军BIS1,亚洲杯柯基单独展BISS,2016年本部展全场总冠军BIS1。亚洲赏励最高,BIS最多的柯基犬.

Honors(As of the Xia Men all breed show in October,2017): NO.1 of all breed ranking in 2016, NO.2 of  all breed list of total row in 2016, No.1 of Welsh Corgi Pembroke ranking in China, NO.1 of native corgi in 2015

 BIS1 in FCI APAC Section Show 2017, BISS of Welsh Corgi Pembroke Specialty in FCI APAC Section Show 2017, BIS1 of CKU champion show in 2016.

 Welsh Corgi Pembroke of   winning most awards and bis in Asia.






教你玩转犬界网Browsing instructions of Dog Show World



20171027厦门/ XIAMEN

20171024义乌/YIWU / 20171025义乌/YIWU

犬界网获邀成为2018 俄罗斯欧亚犬展合作媒体

CKU百场BIS俱乐部–Filas, 开心家族Club of Over-Hundred BIS-Filas, from Kai Xin Jia Zu Kennel


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