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The Art of Handling 犬只的指导艺术(下)

The Art of Handling 犬只的指导艺术(下)

Turning a Dog’s Interest to Showing 培养犬只对犬展的兴趣

In his book, The Winning Edge,retired professional handler and member of the PHA Hall of Fame, George Alston stresses the importance of finding our dog’s buttons. He tells us of a famous Boxer whose show career would not have happened were it not for the accidental discovery of the dog’s button. The Boxer was a dead-head until the handler, Nate Levine, tripped on his grandchild’s small red rubber ball in the back yard and then gave it a kick. The ball got the dog’s full and undivided attention, and he locked on the ball. Head up, ears errect and tail up. With the rubber ball in the handler’s pocket. Champion Bang Away of Sierra Crest went on to win 121 Best In Show. This was in the 1950s when wining one attended 50 or so shows per years.

乔治·阿尔斯通在他的书《胜利的边缘》中讲述了退休后的专业指导手以及PHA名人堂成员的故事。在书中他强调了发现犬只对犬展的兴趣点的重要性,并为读者讲述了一只非常有名的拳师犬在一个偶然下被发掘其兴趣点而在犬展中展露头角的例子。这只拳师犬早期性格 固执 ,直到遇到指导手内特·莱文(Nate Levine)。莱文在自家后院子里用孙子的红色丝带球,训练拳师犬接球。红色丝球完全吸引了拳师犬的注意力,他站直着身躯,竖着耳朵,尾巴往上翘着,成功接住了球,并将球放入莱文的口袋里。经过如此训练,这只拳师犬连续赢得121场犬展的BIS, 从1950年开始每年大约赢得50场。



It is a good idea to get a dog hyped for a favorite toy. It is funny how some dogs will show for one type of toy and have absolutely no interest in another. There is always the occasional dog that does not respond well to be baited with liver and cannot get excited over a toy. You may have to try many things to find the key for turning this dog’s interest for showing.

In his book, Mr. Alston shares with us, “ Finding a dog’s button’s may happen right away, or it may take months. Sometimes…..it happens by accident. Owner-handlers have the advantage here because they are with their dogs all the time and can experiment with different things.”




Show Smarter, Not Harder 犬只指导需要技巧

When you are in the ring, you must be alert and thinking all of the time. You have to present your dog in such a manner as to maximize his strengths and minimize his weaknesses. For example, if your dog has a light eye and it is not a common fault in your breed, do not have your dog looking into the sun. If you do, you might as well be saying to the judge, “See, my dog has yellow eyes.” If your breed requires a short back and your dog has a plenty of length, do not continue showing your dog in profile:angle him a bit, but do not make it obvious.



If you expend too much energy trying to hide faults, you are quite likely serving to draw the judge’s attention to them. Yes, the smartest judges will find your dog’s faults, but you do not have to be the one to point them out. If you do, the chances are that the judge will assume you are not there to win. If you can minimize a fault in a subtle manner, you may not attract the attention of a not-so-observant judge, and there are a few of these about.



Mr. Alston asked me, “If you and I were standing in the ring together, and you noticed that I was looking up, what would you do?” I answered that, “i would likely look up to see what you were looking at. It is human nature.”  “Exactly,” said Mr. Alston, “so, if your dog has an excellent head piece sitting atop a beautiful neck, focus on it. Always try lo keep your dog’s virtues in the judge’s eye.”




It is wise to make sure that you are showing your dog and not yourself. Make sure you get to the ring on time. Rules do not allow judges to wait, and if you hold up the busy schedule of a judge for even a very short period of time, the judge may become highly annoyed. Furthermore, many judges, especially the good ones, start examining the dogs the moment they come through the gate. So. if you have a dog that you are proud of, why not let the judge feast his or her eyes on your entry. If you come in late, you will likely be a bit flustered and this nervousness may travel down the lead to your ring p6在比赛中要拓宽视野,不仅只关注自己的犬只,也要关注其他犬只,这会加大赢得比赛的机率。


Transferred from Canine Chronicle, compiled by DOG SHOW WORLD.
Copyright by JSZG Photos, Do Not Transfer the Photos without permission.

转自Canine Chronicle,中文由犬界网编译。

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