星期二 , 3月 11 2025
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The Art of Handling — 犬只指导的艺术(中)

Finding a Hand Up 寻找良师益友


Do not be afraid to ask questions and try to make friends. If you become friends with a really successful owner-handler or professional, you stand to learn a great deal. Much of the knowl­edge you pick up in this manner depends a lot on you. This re­minds me of the story of a little girl who was asked why it was that everyone seemed to enjoy doing things for her. Her reply was, “Because 1 always say please and thank you.” People are people, and in seeking help you need to anticipate a variety of re­sponses. You will find most successful handlers, both amateur and professional, are pretty nice if properly approached and will, quite often, give you a uhand up. Of course, some take the atti­tude of,”I worked damned hard to learn it on my own, why should I tell you?” I do not believe that attitude is at all beneficial to the individual or the sport, nor do I know to what extent they should be condemned for having that feeling. My point is, simply, if you approach the right person at the right time and in the right manner,you stand a really good chance of getting the answers and the assistance you are looking for.


指导犬只的其他因素  Other Factors of the Handling Equation 


So far as the aclual showing of dogs is concerned, here again, closely observe successful handlers in the ring. It will reveal much to you. Evaluate every move. There is a reason why the best handlers win. Even when the handler ap­pears to be relaxed or loafing in the ring, he or she may simply be allowing their dog to relax. Much of a dog’s ring performance is directly attributable to the training the dog has received at home and his ability to tum it on” when the han­dler asks. The manner in which a dog is conditioned, groomed and shown depends on the breed as well as the individual dog. Obviously, a different technique is employed when showing a Bulldog as op­posed to a Greyhound, or a Chihuahua compared to a Great Dane.



If you live in an area where match shows are often held, you are very fortunate indeed. Sanctioned matches held in the weeks leading up to point shows are almost always well-attended. Matches arc an excellent schooling ground for dogs, handlers and judges. Where I live, these sanctioned matches are very popular, but there are only slightly more than a dozen per year. There are many famous dogs, handlers, and judges that got their start as novices at match shows.



Earlier, I mentioned the advisability of seeking information and advice. Please remember that I said/Trom people that have a his­tory of success in the sport”. At almost every show, one can ex­pect to encounter some know-it-all who is delighted to share his or her theories with anyone who will listen. As a general rule, ihis sort of person’s prating is worthless and, indeed, may get you off on the wrong foot.


有关诱物的建议  Some Baiting Suggestions


Here are a few random suggestions that may be of help. Many breeds are baited in the ring,especially the breeds that require an alert expression or erect cars. The bait most used is liver, usually boiled or broiled. The dog is trained to watch for the bait without becoming too excited. His training should include being maneu­vered into a position so that he will be presenting his best features to the judge. You can carry pieces of liver in your pocket or a bait pouch, but be sure it is wiped dry so that it does not get your pocket messy.



I have talked to other exhibitors who have told me that their dog is not partial to liver, but docs respond well when using sliced pieces of hot dogs or string cheese. I owned and showed a Whippet many years ago whose preferred bait was miniature marshmallows.



Transferred from Canine Chronicle, compiled by DOG SHOW WORLD.
转自Canine Chronicle,中文由犬界网编译。
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