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2017 AKC美国犬业协会美国国家展信息更新 New Information of AKC National Championship 2017

2017 AKC美国犬业协会美国国家展

AKC National Championship 2017


2017 AKC 美国犬业协会国家展将于2017.12.16-17日在美国佛罗里达州奥兰多举办。

AKC National Championship 2017 will be held in DECEMBER 16- 17. 2017– ORLANDO, FLORIDA.

Dogs from 50 States & 44 Countries Will Vie For Best in Show


The AKC National Championship presented by Royal Canin has drawn record entry numbers in its 17th year. An entry of 4803 dogs will compete for the title of National Champion on December 16 and 17, 2017 in Orlando, Florida. Combined with the other weekend events including the inaugural AKC Royal Canin National All-Breed Puppy and Junior Stakes, AKC Agility Invitational, the AKC Obedience Classic, AKC National Owner-Handler Series Finals,NADD/AKC  Diving Dogs Championship, and the Junior events, the overall show totals top 8600 entries, making this the largest dog show held in the United States since the AKC 1984 Centennial event and the largest dog show in North America.

2017美国国家由皇家狗粮赞助,于12月16-17日在佛罗里达州奥兰多举办。今年的美国国家展,冠军将在4803只参赛犬只中诞生。此外,首届AKC皇家狗粮全犬种幼小&青年犬犬展, AKC 敏捷赛, 服从赛,AKC 犬主指导手大赛决赛,NADD/AKC 跳水比赛以及青年犬组赛将同时举办。所有参赛犬只共达8600只,这是继1984年之后AKC举办的规模最大的犬展,同时也是美国北部最大的犬展。

“The AKC National Championship presented by Royal Canin is a must-attend event,” said Dennis Sprung, AKC President and Show Chairman.  “With more than 1,000,000 square feet of event space, top canine athletes competing in a wide variety of dog sports, tons of vendors selling unique dog-themed items in time for the holidays, more than 160 AKC Meet the Breeds® booths and more, this unique experience is truly a canine extravaganza.”

AKC主席Dennis spring表示:“今年的国家展由皇家狗粮赞助举办,绝对是一场值得参加的盛会。”他介绍说“此次比赛场馆面积达1,000,000平方英尺, 所有参赛犬只都非常优秀,大量犬类用品展商入驻场馆,这绝对是一场非常独特的体验。”

Events during the National Championship week of December 12-17, 2017 include the:


AKC Junior Showmanship Finals

AKC 青年犬组冠军赛

AKC Junior Agility Competition

AKC 青年犬敏捷赛

AKC Juniors Obedience & Rally Classic

AKC 青年犬服从赛

AKC National Owner-Handler Series Finals

AKC 美国犬主指导手冠军赛

AKC Meet the Breeds

AKC 最佳犬种赛

Specialty Shows, Group Shows and the FSS/Miscellaneous Open Show


All Sporting, Hound, Toy, Non-Sporting Breeds and Junior Showmanship Competition  will be Judged on Saturday

12.16, 星期六:运动犬组,猎犬组,玩具犬组,非运动犬组,青少年指导手比赛

All Working, Terrier, Herding Breeds, Miscellaneous and Best in Show will be Judged on Sunday

12.17,星期日:工作犬组,梗犬组,牧羊犬组,犬类运动赛事以及 BIS


1. BIS: Mr. Roger R. Hartinger of Cincinnati, Ohio. The owner(s) of the BIS winner will receive $50,000.

BIS(全场总冠军): Mr. Roger R. Hartinger (俄亥俄,辛辛那提), BIS 获得者将赢得50,000美金.

2. Best Bred-by-Exhibitor in Show : Mrs. Paula Hartinger of Cincinnati, Ohio. Best Bred-By Exhibitor in Show will receive $15,000.

BBE: Mrs. Paula Hartinger (俄亥俄,辛辛那提),BBE 冠军获得者将赢得15,000美金。

3. Best in Stakes at the inaugural AKC/Royal Canin National All-Breed Puppy and Junior Stakes:Mrs. Paula Hartinger, Mr. Roger R. Hartinger and Dr. Steve Keating.

首届AKC皇家狗粮全犬种幼小&青年犬犬展:Mrs. Paula Hartinger, Mr. Roger R. Hartinger and Dr. Steve Keating.

4.  AKC National Owner-Handled Series Finals: Ms. Patricia W. Laurans of Newtown.

AKC 犬主指导手大赛决赛审查员: Ms. Patricia W. Laurans(康涅狄格州,纽敦)



2016 AKC National Championship Show Photos:




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