星期六 , 3月 15 2025
首页 / 犬展 / World dog show 2018 荷兰世界杯(阿姆斯特丹)

World dog show 2018 荷兰世界杯(阿姆斯特丹)



We are pleased that the FCI has given the  Dutch Kennel Club the honorable and ambitious task of hosting the World Dog Show 2018.

很高兴世界犬业联盟(FCI) 对荷兰犬业协会的信任, 让我们有机会举办2018世界犬展。

The World Dog Show will take place in Amsterdam from 9-12 August 2018,based on the theme ‘Show the world your talent’.


A unique, four-day, all-dog event showcasing almost every canine breed with exhibitors from all over the world, as well as numerous other activities concerning dogs in all aspects.


The well experienced Dutch organization-team will ensure the staging of an event worthy of the World Dog Show. Amsterdam will be a festival for the dogs and we warmly invite you to the World Dog Show 2018 to celebrate with me the very best of the international canine world.



Dutch law is applicable to dogs entering the Netherlands from abroad. All dogs must be chipped, adequately vaccinated or have undergone serum antibody titer testing. All relevant results must be recorded in a European pet passport, or official documents, validated by a practising veterinary surgeon and showing the final validity dates. For more information on health and participation at the World Dog Show please see the website under special conditions.

Dogs with cropped ears are not permitted to enter shows in the Netherlands regardless of their country of origin. Dogs with docked tails are currently only permitted to enter shows in the Netherlands if this took place for medical reasons. If you enter the World Dog Show with such a dog, you must be able to show on request a declaration issued by a practising veterinary surgeon and/or a statement in a European pet passport. There are no entry restrictions for dogs with docked tails coming from countries where tail docking is currently allowed. These rules apply to entry to the World Dog Show, the Benelux Winner, Group shows and other activities such as demonstrations and workshops. If for any reason the above policy in regard to docking is changed, we shall communicate this. If the policy in regard to docking should change before entry to the show closes, dogs which have already been entered and which do not comply with the new rules will be permitted to be withdrawn without cost.

Because the Dutch Kennel Club believes the health and welfare of dogs to be of utmost importance, our special Canine Welfare Team will be present at the World Dog Show. They will keep an eye on activities inside and outside the exhibition halls, for example checking that dogs are not kept too long in cages or on grooming tables, have access to drinking water and are treated kindly. If the team has reason for concern, they will inform the organisation. Appropriate action may then be taken, which could result in a disqualification.












1st August 2017
3rd May 2018
4th May 2018
31st May 2018
1st June 2018
28th June 2018
29th June 2018
11th July 2018
World Dog Show1st dog€ 80.00€ 90.00€ 100.00€ 120.00
World Dog Show2nd and following dog (s)€ 70.00€ 80.00€   90.00€ 110.00
World Dog Showminor puppy class and puppy class€ 40.00€ 45.00€   50.00€   60.00
World Dog ShowProgeny Group€   0.00€   0.00€     0.00€     0.00
World Dog ShowBreeders Group€   0.00€   0.00€     0.00€     0.00
World Dog ShowBrace€ 30.00€ 30.00€   30.00€   30.00
World Dog ShowJunior Handling€ 20.00€ 20.00€   20.00€   20.00
World Dog ShowPrinted catalogue
(pre-ordered at entry)
€   5.00€   5.00€   5.00€   5.00






主赛环 BIG,BIS 裁判名单




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