星期日 , 3月 16 2025
首页 / 犬展 / 马来西亚犬业协会亚洲杯致词 The Malaysian Kennel Association The FCI Asia & Pacific Show Welcome Speech

马来西亚犬业协会亚洲杯致词 The Malaysian Kennel Association The FCI Asia & Pacific Show Welcome Speech


亲爱的朋友们,马来西亚犬协会很荣幸能在马来西亚吉隆坡举办2018年FCI APAC亚洲杯!这将是马来西亚第一次举办盛大的犬展!我们热烈欢迎来自全球各地的朋友参加此次赛事。这次犬展是马来西亚一年一度最好的宠物博览会PETFIESTA的其中一部分。我们很感谢有机会参与其中,也很高兴能和博览会合作举办举世瞩目的犬展,对于他们给我们活动的支持与不断的合作表示衷心的感谢!

The Malaysian Kennel Association is extremely proud to be hosting the FCI Asia & Pacific Show in 2018 in Kuala Lumpur Malaysia from the 13th – 15th April. This is the first time that Malaysia will be hosting this prestigious show and we are excited to welcome everyone from across the globe to this show. Our show is part of Malaysia’s Biggest yearly Pet Expo – PETFIESTA and we are grateful to be working jointly with them since they started and are excited to host the most prestigious Dog Show as part of their event. Their support of our activities and continued collaboration is greatly appreciated!


2018年亚洲杯将在4月13-15日举行,同时还有另外五场赛事。我们的周末会很精彩,有三场CACIB,两场APAC CAC展和东南亚CAC犬展,一共六场赛事。

The main Asian Section Show takes place on the 14th of April and together with the 5 other support shows held in conjunction with this show over the 3 days. We are excited about a fun filled weekend with a total of 3 CACIB shows, 2 APAC CAC shows and a South East Asia CAC shows which are being held with CAC’s on offer at all shows and CACIBS at the 3 FCI shows inclusive of Asian Winners and Malaysian Winners titles on offer.



Truly an exciting weekend of shows for this region, with many prestigious titles on offer with a stellar panel of well-known judges from across the globe. Our special thanks to all the judges for taking the time to accept our invitation and be a part of our shows. Your expertise and presence is greatly valued and is a major contribution to this show.



The MKA was very honoured to get an entry of over 300 dogs with 113 coming from across the globe. Sadly just after our entries closed we were informed that the Malaysian Quarantine Services had closed their borders to all dogs and cats from Thailand due to the current rabies outbreak there. That affects 35 of the foreign dogs coming for the show and will impact us and disappoint a lot of keen participants who have already confirmed their entries. The MKA has put in three appeals to the government to try and allow these dogs entry, if they have a Rabies Titre Test and comply with other requirements. At time of going to press we have a final meeting tomorrow morning, which will determine if the Thai dogs are allowed to participate or not. We will be majorly disappointed if these dogs and owners are not allowed to come to Malaysia, as the Thai contingent always forms the major bulk of our overseas participants and they have always been great supporters of the MKA. However we do understand and appreciate the government’s efforts to continue to keep Malaysia’s Rabies Free status and to protect the welfare of our local animals.


关于这一点我想就个人对MAQIS  Dato’主任Mokhtarrudin博士和他部门全体人员的全力支持和帮助表示谢意!也对兽医站服务部门对犬类问题的帮助表示谢意!

On that note I do want to say a personal thank you to the Director General of MAQIS Dato’ Dr. Mokhtarrudin and his department members for their full support and assistance with our shows and also to the Department of Veterinary Services for their kind assistance in all veterinary matters.




Statistics of Overseas Entries by Country

The Philippines6
Hong Kong1


我们对于当地和海外的给予这些犬展帮助的每一位朋友寄予感谢,也很感谢大家奖品和奖花的赞助。谢谢帮助我们的每一位朋友,太多的人要感谢了!我们感激您对马来西亚犬协会的热心支持。还有来自我们亚太地区主席Dinky Santos的个人帮助,亚太犬业协会秘书处和所有Apac NCO的各位主席和成员在此次犬展筹办中展现了亚太协会的强有力精神力量,我们是一个大家庭!

We have been overwhelmed with the support we have received from everyone locally and abroad for these shows. The wonderful donations of incredible Trophies and Rosettes has been most welcome. Thank you to everyone who has supported us, too many to mention by name, but we appreciate your kindness towards the MKA. The personal help and support from our APAC Section President Dinky Santos, The APAC Secretariat and also all the Presidents and members of all the APAC NCOs has shown the true spirit of APAC…..we are one BIG family!



We are also extremely grateful to our International Media Partners OUR DOGS, CHINA DOG SHOW WORLD and Anjingkita.com for your tremendous support and promotion of our show across the globe.



Last but not least, we are grateful to our MKA members for their belief in us to run this show for the very first time and their entries have reflected this spirit, as this is by far the largest local entry we have seen in recent time. The MKA staff have also worked tirelessly to ensure everything is in order and the support from my Board of Directors has helped contribute to making this event a success!



Welcome once again and we wish you all a joyous and memorable trip to Malaysia! Please enjoy our beautiful country, get a taste of the well know Malaysian warmth and hospitality and feast on our gastronomical delights, which we are world famous for!


Thank you


Gopi Krishnan


MKA President












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