星期日 , 3月 16 2025
首页 / 犬舍 / 2018印度尼西亚冠军展  摩王家族犬舍 “杰瑞” “向上”  精彩视频 2018 INDONESIA WINNER SHOW -MO WANG JIA ZU KENNEL ,’JERRY’ ‘UP’VIDEO

2018印度尼西亚冠军展  摩王家族犬舍 “杰瑞” “向上”  精彩视频 2018 INDONESIA WINNER SHOW -MO WANG JIA ZU KENNEL ,’JERRY’ ‘UP’VIDEO

2018印度尼西亚冠军展  摩王家族犬舍 “杰瑞” “向上”  精彩视频


“向上”是来自摩王家族犬舍的一只具备多个头衔的优质赛犬,并且作为中国摩王家族繁殖的萨摩耶犬在国际舞台上也取得了重大成就。虽然目前“向上”仅仅刚生产完五个月,身材和毛量还没有恢复到原本的最佳状态但这也并不能影响到“向上”本质上的优胜之处。“向上”已经获得了世界登陆冠军、超级登录冠军、中国登陆冠军、印尼登陆冠军以及多次大赛的BIS全场总冠军的头衔,值得关注的是在本次2018印度尼西亚冠军展上,“向上”一举夺得了OPEN BIS的好成绩,这也是中国繁殖的萨摩耶首次在国际赛场上成为万众瞩目的领跑者。与此同时“向上”还一举获得两枚OPEN RBIS ,其中第一天由董平老师负责牵引获得了Open RBIS ;另外一场则由李若楠完美的牵引从而获得了印尼国家展正赛RBIS,7场赛事,向上获得4场BOB成绩。印尼国家展中国团队-摩王家族华光掠影用实力表现为国争光!

“UP”is a superior dog that comes from MO WANG JIA ZU KENNEL with many titles.As a samoyed breeded by MO WANG JIA ZU KENNEL has achieved so much in the international stage.Although so far “up” just has breeded dogs only for 5 months and her figure and the amount of hair have not yet recovered the original best state,her essential advantage didn’t affected by this matter.Untill now,”UP”has obtained international championship,Grand championship,China championship,Indonesia championship and many BIS titles.It is noteworthy that in this 2018 Indonesia winner show,”UP” successfully got the great grade with OPEN BIS. It is also the first time that the chinese-bred samoyed has become a front-runner in the international arena.At the same time,”up”wins 2 OPEN RBIS. One is OPEN RBIS of the first day,handled by Pin Dong. The other one is RBIS,handled by Ruo Nan Li.”up”totaly wins 4 BOB in 7 shows. The great achievement of MO WANG JIAZU glory for the country!




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