星期日 , 3月 16 2025
首页 / 新闻 / 美登国际专业宠物美容师管理学院-Siba公主荣获2019年美国贵宾国家单独展全场总冠军


一年一度的2019年全球贵宾犬盛事PCA (Poodle Club of America)在美国着名的冠能犬粮普瑞那活动中心举行(亦是美国犬展主要赞助商)汇集全世界喜好贵宾犬的繁殖者、顶级玩家、专业美容师等共超过40个国家的参访者及来自将近20个国家的参赛犬,包含青幼年指导手、敏捷犬训练、家族展及造型秀和纯种犬展示共有三种体型(玩具型贵宾、迷你型贵宾、标准型贵宾)总数量达到八百多只的超大型盛会,可谓是盛况空前,场面震撼!经过几天的各年龄段及几位不同评审审查决赛后所选出的三种体型BOV (Best of Variety)都是黑色毛的贵宾犬,而在最终的总冠军赛胜出的是标准型贵宾犬Siba, 这只美丽动人的标准贵宾亦赢得二个月前的西敏寺BOB及G4,同时这只标贵是现伇全美排行第一的标准贵宾,也是非运动组(Non-Sporting Group, 在FCl是列在第九组)的排名第一,而全犬种积分更是在Top.6的超级优异成绩!更值得关注的是这只美丽的标贵幕后所有者是来自中国福建的美登国际专业宠物美容师管理学院的“威廉校长 William Lee) 威廉校长同时也具CKU在培全犬种评审身份、而美登国际专业宠物美容师管理学院亦是CKU合作的优良宠物美容培训机构,这无疑是中国之光代表!在此恭喜国际知名的威廉校长及美登国际专业宠物美容师管理学院为中国争光!


The PCA (Poodle Club of America) is held famous dog foods by Purina also there Purina Event Center in USA, has visitors from more then hen 40 countries, including famous Poodles breeder, Poodles Fans and Groomer , there also a competitors from almost 20 countries, including Junior handler competition, Agility, Obedience training, Bred by exhibitors, and pure breeds competition a total more then 800 entry’s, it also a large events with three type (Toy, Miniature, Standard) it is an amazing shows for Poodles in the world! After several days of different judges and different ages (Class) to get three BOV(Best of Variety) and all back in for BOB (Best of Breeds) and the BISS (Best in Speciality Shows) the finale is Standard poodle “Siba”won the bigger ribbons! ! Siba also won BOB & Group 4th at Westminster in two months ago, actually this Standard poodle are No.1 Standard poodle in USA, so do the No.1 Non-Sporting dogs( Group 9 in FCI rings) she also is Top ranked All breeds Top.6 at the moment, however, more noteworthy is that the behind Owner:William Lee from MADAN ‘S, (CHINA), William principal also work for his International Hi level Pet’s grooming academy in Fujian Province, CHINA, by the way Mr. William also was training Judge from CKU, his grooming academy also a great list from CKU , this undoubtedly the representative of China Star! Here would huge Congrats to Internationally renowned Principal William and MADAN International Professional Pet’s grooming academy for their glory in CHINA!

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