星期五 , 2月 21 2025
首页 / 犬舍 / 犬界网专访: 中国惠比特专业繁殖者 姜维-DogShow Exclusive Interview: Mr. Jiang Wei—Professional Breeder of Whippet in China

犬界网专访: 中国惠比特专业繁殖者 姜维-DogShow Exclusive Interview: Mr. Jiang Wei—Professional Breeder of Whippet in China


DogShowworld: Hello to all Chinese dog-fanciers and we are so pleased to have Mr. Jiang Wei today, the owner of Whippet ranking first on CKU List of 2018, to talk about this charming breed, Whippet.


Mr. Jiang Wei has different identities, business operator, classical photographer, visual artist. After work, he always spares more time in visual artistic creation, right due to which enables him to regard every single Whippet as an unique work of art since his involvement in sight-hound breeds at age of 15.


Mr. Jiang Wei: My first dog was a greyhound named Huang Ling, following this one, I also had other greyhounds and Italian greyhound. But the unsatisfactory sizes, too big or too small, made me finally choose the family friendly breed, Whippet, which perfectly meets my aesthetic preference.



DogShowworld: Well, any good news you would like to share with us as we knew that you entered your dogs to the WDS 2019?


姜维:“世界杯犬展时隔37年后重返亚洲,确实让人激动不已,我准备了一只BABY组与一只CH冠军组,两只惠比特犬参加上海世界杯,我的冠军组母犬茉莉是2018年CKU排行一的惠比特,拿到排行一后我就把她送到了美国参加美国AKC的赛事,她也是唯一一只由中国本土繁殖去美国完成美国登录冠军的惠比特犬。但很可惜因为我美国指导手工作时间的问题,没能和茉莉来到上海参加世界杯。不过让我激动不已的是,我的小狗瑰夏(Geisha)不惧强敌,战胜了所有对手,拿下了亚太地区展BABY BOB,BIG冠军,2019年世界杯BABY BOB冠军!这是我引以为豪的成绩。”

Mr. Jiang Wei: We are so excited that the WDS returns to Asia after such a long expectation of 37 years. I planned to enter two Whippets to this show, one is in BABY class and the other, CHAMPION class. The Champion bitch Moli (Jasmin) was right the one ranking first in 2018 and after this award, I took her to the AKC shows, so she was the first locally-bred Whippet in China that achieved the AKC Champion Title. But pity was that she did not come because of time conflict of my American handler. Even though, I was still thrilled to say that my baby dog Geisha stand out among many strong competitors and got awards of BABY BOB, BIG in the APAC show and BABY BOB in the WDS 2019! So proud!



DogShowworld: Congratulations! Here could you talk about the recent development of Whippet in China?

姜维:“   惠比特是英国犬种,进入中国的时间并不长。如果没记错的话应该20年前才被人引进到中国,现在在中国饲养惠比特的主要人群是生活在农村的爱好者,更多是用于田间狩猎和竞速比赛,英国人当时杂交出这个品种的目的也是为了竞赛和狩猎,这是这个犬种的原始属性。”

Mr. Jiang Wei: Actually, it is not so long since its introduce to China and if my memory serves me right, it’s 20 years ago. For now, The main group of people who are raising Whippet in China are those who live in rural areas. They are more used in field hunting and racing competitions. The reason of British people mixed this breed out was for competition and hunting as well, which is supposed to be the original functions of this breed.



DogShowworld: So what the Whippet looks like in your eyes?

姜维:“     我眼中的惠比特必须是极度优雅的,像热血马一样昂首挺胸,精力充沛。但在繁育角度来说我不会考虑狗狗的原始属性,因为当下我们不需要猎犬来狩猎了,让狗狗回归家庭,是现在要对这个品种做的事,我的繁殖极少,每年才一到两窝,主要是满足我挑选参加犬展的犬只,剩下的会全部进入家庭,我的狗会卖的很贵,并且要向我承诺把它当作家庭成员,而不是工具,才可以。

Mr. Jiang Wei: The Whippet in my eyes must be extremely elegant, like a confident horse, with head high and full of energy. But in terms of breeding, I will take its original functions out of consideration as now we mainly need them to return to family instead of using for hunting. I am not doing much breeding, just one or two litters each year, which is chiefly meet my needs to have dogs participate in shows, and the rest will all be owned by families. My dogs are always sold with high prices and I must be fully guaranteed that they will be treated as family members, not any tools in any ways. Only then, the buyers can have the qualifications to have my dogs.



With the FCI explicit regulations on structure and standard supplemented by individual aesthetics and understandings, the rest of work is just left to judges. Set breeding aside, I can accept any dogs with any structures as each dog has its own meaning of existence. But from the perspective of eugenics, I must need better, more stable, healthier dogs for breeding. Simply put, I will give the chance of breeding to dogs with higher quality.


DogShowworld: Thanks and here is our last question. What makes you stand out with such excellent results in shows among the numerous Whippet lovers?

姜维:“    Dog show是需要投入很多的热情,时间,和金钱的,在这方面我投入的比别人更多,我的假日更多的是在比赛或者观看比赛,比赛久了,我更知道什么样的是对的,在繁殖上我会走更少的弯路,对比赛和审查员的解读更清晰,我的狗自然会赢出来。其次在繁殖的角度来说需要有自己的审美,你的狗要有你的风格注入给它,跟做企业一样,要有企业文化,在其次是学习,不断的学习,繁殖没有捷径,我今年在德国和美国引进了我需要的狗,这也是一种学习和交流,我需要和世界上优秀的犬舍来交流,看看他们的血液是否能与我的繁殖出我需要的狗狗。这个过程很漫长,但是我很享受这个过程。

Mr. Jiang Wei: Dog shows require you to devote lots of enthusiasm, time and money. In this respect, I invest much more than others. My holiday is mainly about dog show participating or watching. Equipped with so much show experience, I know what the right or wrong is, which helps me avoid many unnecessary mistakes or detours and enables me to have a clearer interpretation or understanding on shows and judges. Under such circumstances, there are much bigger chances for my dogs to win. Secondly, in terms of reproduction, you need to have your own aesthetic preference. Your dog should have your own style infused with and just like doing business, corporate culture is always a must. Thirdly, learning, never stop learning and you must know that there are no shortcuts for this. I imported dogs I need from Germany and the United States, which to some extent is also a kind of learning and communication. I need to communicate with the world’s excellent kennels to see if dogs I need can be bred out with their blood line and the line I maintained. This is a very long process but I do enjoy.

最后请让我在这里感谢皇家围场的刘岩、王辉先生赠送了我人生的第一只惠比特犬,还要感谢我在中国的指导手刘玉博和美国的指导手 Mr Justin Smithed。”

At last, I would like to take the chance to thank Mr. Liu Wei and Mr. Wang Hui of the Royal Paddock for presenting the first Whippet of my life, and my great thanks to my handler Mr. Liu Yubo and Mr. Justin Smithed from the US, thank you all.”


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