星期六 , 2月 22 2025
首页 / 联系我们 / 犬界网-FCI-APAC 官方合作媒体 FCI-中国区CKU战略合作伙伴 网络赛事报道平台

犬界网-FCI-APAC 官方合作媒体 FCI-中国区CKU战略合作伙伴 网络赛事报道平台




犬界网(www.dogshowworld.cn)——FCI-APAC 官方合作媒体  FCI-中国区CKU战略合作伙伴,网络赛事报道平台。网站由上海言瑞文化传播有限公司,建设祖国摄影JSZG’S PHOTO 共同打造,为用户提供了解国内外专业宠物赛事,宣传促进犬类健康繁殖及社会应用的权威公众平台。
犬界网拥有独立的管理及影像服务团队,提供大量CKU官方赛事以及国外重点赛事的记录与报道,我们坚持以服务用户为本、打造诚信、公开、公正、全面的犬文化宣传网站为宗旨,以热诚的服务、先进的视觉设计、规范化的管理,丰富的周边服务, 将优秀犬文化推广落实到网站发展的每一个环节之中,更快更好为推进中国宠物行业的发展网聚力量!
www.dogshowworld.cn is a platform for reporting internet event of the world’s kennel union FCI and Chinese CKU’s official cooperation. The website is sited by limited company of Shanghai Yanrui culture transmission, and the shoot of the motherland’s construction(JSZG’S PHOTO). The website aims to provide something about professional pets’ events, and broadcast authoritatively public platform for healthy breeding and social application of canine.www.dogshowworld.cn owns a group independently managed and photographed for reporting and recording a lot of official events from the CKU. Our basis is serving user, integrated, open, just, comprehensive canine culture’s advertizing website. Moreover, we provide hearty service, advanced visual design, and normalized management, plenty of surrounding services; also, promote excellent culture to each aspect for a better promotion of the Chinese pets.
www.dogshowworld.cn is an owner and provider of canine market’s core date including national all of CKU events, about 1000 professional kennel, in which is thousands of canine event’s information and each year’s hundreds of canine event’s records. We will pay more aid to construct an accurate national, timely canine events’ advertising platform, and the internet’s assembly of canine photo gallery, video data bank and canine fans.
Each program of www.dogshowworld.cn mainly provides a consultative platform free to obtain the latest, the most popular, professional canine knowledge.


TEL: +86 135 6412 1088

E-mail: 1853764470@qq.com

ADD:Shanghai Pudong New Area of Sanlin Road 158, Building 1, 1105







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