星期日 , 2月 23 2025
首页 / 专栏 / How I See It 不一样的角度–致审查-庖丁解牛,游刃有余(上)

How I See It 不一样的角度–致审查-庖丁解牛,游刃有余(上)

转自美国DOG NEWS MAGAZINE, 此篇文章由Ronnie Irving编撰, 中文由犬界网编译。


 The subject of judges and judging seems to have been getting a great deal of coverage in the last few weeks. I fear I am often out of step with colleagues on the issue of how much practical experience a judge ought to have, of officiat­ing in a breed before they arc let loose on judging it at important show or shows where champion­ship points are on offer for that breed. I am very much of the view that practical, hands-on experi­ence of watching other experts judge, and more importantly of officiating at dog shows, is by far the best way forjudges to learn. And often those who get invited to judge most and who therefore have the greatest experience, are generally the best judges. The market makes that the case.



Here in the UK we still have the luxury of many open shows at which judges can gain hands- on experience of going over and assessing breeds in a real show environment. Up to now judges of any new breed have had to judge a certain number of dogs of a breed at open show level before they were allowed to do so at shows with championship status. The number of dogs judged has varied according to the popularity of the breed at shows in the UK. It has to be said however that these open shows are becoming smaller and for some breeds it is becoming more and more difficult to get that practical judging experience – cer­tainly in the numerically smaller breeds. That is one of the reasons why TKC has recently announced a new judge training and approval system which will more or less abandon that dumber of dogs’ requirement – a move that I think is a very retrograde step. Admittedly a number of other requirements are to be introduced instead such as mentoring, student judging, computer based learning and attendance at breed club seminars on the breed standard, etc. But none of these in my view can take the place of true hands- on judging experience.


I have found to my surprise that even many of those whom I would have thought would be entirely supportive of the opposite rather academic view, also seem to believe that practical experience of judging dogs is a very important part of learning to be a judge.


 I don’t always agree with everything that Andrew Brace says about judging, but I was fully in agreement with him recently when he said that in some countries where numbers in some breeds are not high: “the processing of judges has to rely more heavily on theory than practical and it is debatable whether or not this is actually an ideal alternative.’



 Then in the same issue of DN Mag­azine the great Frank Sabella says his question is: “for someone to explain to me how does someone become a judge of any livestock by looking and learning from a computer? ” He adds: “I was taught and continue to believe that in order to become an acceptable judge of livestock it takes time, experience, and lots of a hands on work ethic.” He then quoted someone else as saying: “You make your mistakes at times and then you have the good sense and reason to learn from a mistake and never make it again. “


 Then a few weeks ago Geir Flyckt Pedersen in his column in DN Magazine asked the question: “Are all rounders a necessary evil?” He goes on to talk about a judge who was an all-breed judge of his country and was about to assess an entry of 73 dogs of a certain breed from all over Europe. He admitted that he had not ever touched the breed before let alone judged it. In fact recently at a show in Norway a judge mentioned to me that she had recently been judging with someone who said they were excited to be judging Border Terriers the next day at an international show. When asked if that excitement was because they were involved in the breed, the judge replied: “No – it’s because I’ve never seen one before!”



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