星期五 , 3月 7 2025
首页 / 专栏 / How I See It 不一样的角度–致审查-庖丁解牛,游刃有余(下)

How I See It 不一样的角度–致审查-庖丁解牛,游刃有余(下)

转自美国DOG NEWS MAGAZINE, 此篇文章由Ronnie Irving编撰, 中文由犬界网编译。


 Geir also goes on to raise a number of questions about judges, questions that I think are very appropriate and need to be asked at this time; namely whether there really is a need for such a person as an all breed judges.My big question however is not whether there really is a need for all breed judges. Instead, linked to my be­lief that judges should serve an apprenticeship of hands-on experience before thoy aro let loose on any breed at senior points level, I ask another question; namely wtiether there actually is any such thing as a real all breeds judge at all?




我必须申明,很多时候我都在思考如何成为专业的全犬种审查员。 我在想,如果在英国或美国的犬展现场,或者,在了解世界犬业联盟近400种犬种官方标准的前提下,是否有人有能力完成约200种犬种的审查工作。 对于这一点,我持质疑态度。相反,我认为,有的审查会忽略犬只间一些重要的细微差别,对犬种的自然品性了解不够透彻,甚至忽略很多其他要点。

I have to say that is how i sometimes feel about the all breed judge. I stand in wonder that anyone could ever really know enough to judge around 200 breeds if you take the UK or US dog scene, or nearly 400 breeds under the FCI all-breeds rule. I defy anyone to be really except in the nuances-or even the generalities- of that number of breeds and again i think that they are let loose on it at any significant level.


Jorge Nallem 乔治·纳勒姆-1



 In most professions these days people become specialists. They wouldn’t be employed to do what they do if they were generalists. Not all surgeons are brain surgeons. Not all lawyers are experts in employment law, and not all accountants are more want to be generalists and judges more and more breeds. The term Jack’ of all trades-master of none’ comes to mind.


 That is not to say that I regard all specialist breeder judges as good judges or universal geniuses. Expert they may be, but sometimes they too actually lack sheer judging experience. The problem with the British specialist breeder judge scene is that some judges only have an assignment once every two or three years. Remember that we have about 80% of judges in the UK that officiate in only one breed and who have no desire to judge more than that single breed. And we also have a rule that you are not allowed to officiate in any breed at championship level anymore than once every eighteen months. That means that no matter how expert some specialist breeder judges are in their breed, they can become out of practice at the task of judging. After all judging is not just a question of knowing the breed standard, it also involves organizing the ring, making fairly quick decisions and weighing up the strength of one attribute in a dog against those in another dog and then deciding which is best overall. If you don’t have to do all of these things often, you can become rusty. 


 Specialist judges can also become too obsessed with one or two issues in a breed and see only those points. They often forget that their task is really to assess the dog as a whole not just certain parts of the dog. For that reason they can sometimes seem to be wearing blinkers (or is the word ‘blinders’ in American English?)





 I have mentioned before the tongue in cheek definition of the difference between a specialist judge and an all rounder judge and I don’t hesitate to do so again, as I think it makes the point very well. It goes: “The Breed Specialist is a judge who learns more and more about less and less until he knows everything about nothing. The All-rounder,on the other hand.is a judge who learns less and less about more and more until he knows nothing about everything”!

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