星期六 , 3月 15 2025
首页 / 专栏 / National Owner-Handled: Separate, but Equal? 犬主牵引比赛–不一样的比赛,能平等吗?

National Owner-Handled: Separate, but Equal? 犬主牵引比赛–不一样的比赛,能平等吗?

National Owner-Handled: Separate, but Equal?


Since its implementation in 2013, AKC’s National Owner-Handled Series (NOHS) has been accused of illuminating the widening gap between the professional and the owner-handler. Adversaries feel the division creates the illusion that NOHS participants aren’t as competitive as those in the regular groups. The exhibits need a separate competition because they do not possess the quality of those shown by professionals and need their own inferior placings. Speaking from personal experience, this is certainly not true. On several occasions, I have seen dogs win or place in their NOHS group and go on to do the same in the regular group. However, despite the quality of the entrants, many clubs do not give the NOHS competition the same treatment as the regular group and the BIS competition.


赛的选手有实力。 NOHS参赛者需要单独的赛制,因为他们不具备专业指导手的素质,需要另辟疆场。 从我的个人经验来说,这种观点当然是不正确的。我有好几次,目睹过在NOHS组获胜的犬

只在常规组比赛中蝉联了胜利。 然而,尽管NOHS参赛者的水平不错,但是许多俱乐部给NOHS比赛的待遇和给常规赛与BIS比赛的待遇并不一样。


For example, I have noticed several clubs do not offer the same-sized ring for NOHS groups as they do for regular groups. According to AKC’s NOHS Regulations as of April 1, 2017, “larger rings must be used for NOHS Group competition. It is advisable to convert two adjacent rings into one large ring as is often done for the regular groups.”It is only advisable to combine two adjacent rings; the clubs can make the ultimate decision as to how much ring space NOHS groups get. From my experience, more times than not the NOHS group rings are not large enough. There certainly are occasions when the entrant numbers are low, so it’s understandable not to combine rings. However, this competition is becoming more popular, and I have seen a growing number of dogs participating. Sometimes the NOHS group siae rivaLs the regular group, yet its ring is not nearly as big as the regular groups. AKC’s NOHS Regulations should set a minimum number of participants to require the combination of two or more rings.




参加NOHS。鉴于NOHS的赛环任然不是和常规赛同样的尺寸,所以有时候NOHS比赛与常规赛之间会产生对抗。 AKC的NOHS比赛相关规定应设定最少参赛人数,这样就能顺理成章合并两个



Another concern is the qualification of NOHS judges. According to AKC’s regulations, “a judge must be approved (including permit judges) for at least one breed in the group to judge the AKC NOHS group, unless they are approved for one full group. Then they may judge any AKC NOHS group.” I find this lenient rule concerning. For example, if someone has been a breeder/owner-handler of Beagles for 25 years, is a world-renowed breed expert and receives approval to judge the breed, how is it safe to assume that they are qualified to judge the whole NOHS Hound Group? They may have the Beagle standard memorized, but how would they be expected to know the subtle distinctions that make a Pharaoh Hound separate from an Ibizan Hound, or distinguish each of the five Coonhounds? AKC recommends that clubs “use a judge approved for … preferably many breeds within the group,” but I have seen occasions when a NOHS group judge only had approval for one brood in that group. The dogs in the NOHS group rings deserve judges who arc qualified to judge more than one breed.




猎犬的种类? AKC协会建议俱乐部“选审查员时挑选尽量了解该犬种群中多个犬种的审查员”。但事实是我就亲眼见过一位执裁NOHS比赛的审查员只有一个犬种的审查资格。NOHS比赛值得了解



Recently, I was personally involved in a situation that made me question the stewards’ knowledge of NOHS rules. I had entered a show with two breeds, and, as luck would have it, they both went into their respective rings at the same time. I had handed off my champion bitch to her breeder/co-owner to show, so she was still eligible for NOHS. However, my dog’s breeder had entered a champion dog and ultimately handed him off to a friend to show, therefore making him ineligible for NOHS. The judge and steward were obvioasly not aware of the handler change and ended up giving BOBOH to the dog. (At this point I’d like to say, yes, one of the handlers in the ring should have said something, but NOHS isn’t exactly a priority to them and they hardly paid attention to the extra ribbon that was handed out.) I didn’t get to the ring until judging had finished, so I explained the situation to the steward and asked if anything could be done at that point. She responded by asking, “Doos it even matter?” Her question seemed to come more from a naive perspective than an apatlictic one, but either way it certainly does matter! How do they know the dogs handler wasn’t actually paid to show him?

近来,我本人参与了一次NOHS比赛,这次体验让我质疑主办方是否了解NOHS比赛的规则。我很幸运地有两只很棒的狗狗,那次比赛它们都晋级了。 我把两只狗狗中的母犬的所有权转交给了她


NOHS比赛。但主办方和审查员显然都没有意识到场上的指导手换人了,最后把奖花给了公犬。 (在这一点上,我想说,是的,同样参赛的指导手对此也许有一些疑议,但NOHS比赛并不是他们




I had never given this a second thought, but after this particular show I now wonder how many times a mistake like this has happened? I’m not proposing an official identification check, but I think it should be protocol for the steward to ask the handlers of the dogs designated for BOBOH if they are, in fact, an owner as they check numbers for BOB/BOV. I hope we could assume honest answers if the exhibitors are asked.



For NOHS participants to get the recognition they deserve, clubs should make more of an effort to respect the rules and recommendations from AKC. Owner-handlers can present the same quality dogs as the professionals and present them just as well.


转自DOG IN REVIEW,中文由犬界网编译,未经允许不得擅自转载。


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