星期二 , 1月 21 2025
首页 / 专栏 / 建设专栏-2017年2月CKU赛事统计分析月报



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We now publish the statistics of the February shows in February after sorting  carefully in these days,.

2017年二月份的数据记录了02.10-12南宁 02.17-19廊坊 02.17-19中山 02.17.-19贵阳 02.24-26杭州 02.24-26潍坊 六场比赛成绩。

The data recorded six dogshow:02.10-12 NanNing.02.17-19 LangFang,02.17-19 ZhongShan,02.17 02.17-19 GuiYang,02.24-26 HangZhou,02.24-26 WeiFang in February 2017 .


首先来看看获得BABY,PUPPY,JUNIOR以及OPEN BIS总数量前十的犬种统计以及分析。

First let’s have a look at the top ten breeds statistics and analysis  of BABY, PUPPY, JUNIOR, and OPEN BIS.






In February 2017,  Welsh Corgi Pembroke ranked the first of BIS in all age group with a heady run, and well ahead of No.2 Golden Retriever, French Bulldog handed over the position of the first for the third this month through the competition in February.And compared to last month, Labrador Retriever had obvious progress so with the French Bulldog on the third in this month.Meanwhile,domestic popular dogs such as Siberian Husky, Samoyed, Border Collie, Pomeranian, Toy Poodle, and bulldog also had a good performance.


然后让我们看看在OPEN BIS这个最强年龄段里获得BIS(包含BIS1-BIS4)数量最多的犬种(最低5个BIS起记录)

Let’s  see the BIS distribution(including BIS 1-BIS4 with the minimum 5BIS to record) of the most attractive and strongest group-OPEN BIS.

OPEN BIS1-4犬种数量统计1

OPEN BIS1-4犬种数量统计2

柯基在OPEN BIS组的成绩里,继上月第一后继续领跑,可见其大热程度,上月排名第五的拉布拉多以微弱劣势紧随其后,一向热门的金毛从上月第二小退至第三,玩具贵宾、边牧也同样表现出色,仅以一个BIS之差并列第三。

Welsh Corgi Pembroke continued to be No.1 in OPEN BIS group,what a massive hit!Labrador Retriever was chasing closely behind.Golden Retriever was always so ‘hot’ ,but ranked back to No.3 from No.2 in last month , toy distinguished guest, side also did well, with only a BIS short tied for third.Toy Poodle and Border Collie tied for third with just one less BIS ,also did well.

然后我们再看获得OPEN BIS 1 全场总冠军的犬种分析

Then let’s analyze the breeds distribution of the OPEN BIS 1.

OPEN BIS1犬种数量统计1

OPEN BIS1犬种数量统计2

八组犬只拉布拉多和金毛独占OPEN BIS第一名和第二名,玩具贵宾和边境牧羊犬并列第三,柯基犬在BIS1的战场里暂时下降到第四与英国斗牛犬,比格犬并列。

Labrador Retriever and Golden Retriever in group 8 ranked first and second , toy poodle and border collie tied for third. Welsh Corgi Pembroke was down to No.4 with Bulldog and Beagle.


Now is the ranking list of handler who has got BIS(with the minimum 7BIS to record).




No.1:Li Xinsheng got 21 BIS in Feburary.







No.2:Long got 16 BIS in Feburary. JS060306-2000A



No.3:Ling got 15 BIS in Feburary.JS062801-2000A


(Illustrations are only for the top 3.)

开始含金量成绩高的OPEN BIS数量了(4个起开始记录包含BIS1-BIS4)

Now we are up to the Open BIS which is worth a lot.(including BIS 1-BIS4 with the minimum 4BIS to record)


OPEN BIS(1-4)指导手统计表 并列排名不分先后

( In no paticular order)


第一名:在二月份比赛中唐楠获得了8个OPEN BIS成绩.

No.1:Tang Nan achieved 8 OPEN BIS in Feburary.


第二名 在二月份比赛中徐军刘梦夫妻档获得7个OPEN BIS成绩.

No.2:Xu Jun&Liu Meng couple achieved 7 OPEN BIS in Feburary.


并列第二 在二月份的比赛中程杰获得7个OPEN BIS成绩.

No.2:Cheng Jie achieved 7 OPEN BIS in Feburary.



第三名 在二月份的比赛中张勇获得6个OPEN BIS成绩.

No.2:Zhang Yong achieved 7 OPEN BIS in Feburary.




最后一项,OPEN BIS 1,全场总冠军第一名,犬展人生的最高荣誉,看看排名榜

And finally we’are going to look at the ranking of Open BIS1,that’s the highest honor .

指导手OPEN BIS1统计表


( In no paticular order)

第一名 唐楠在OPEN组的比赛中获得4次OPEN BIS1的成绩

No.1:Tang Nan achieved 4 OPEN BIS1 in OPEN group.




并列第一 张勇在OPEN组的比赛中获得4次OPEN BIS1的成绩

No.1:Zhang Yong achieved 4 OPEN BIS1 in OPEN group.



第二名 阿龙在OPEN组的比赛中获得3次OPEN BIS1的成绩

No.2:Long achieved 3 OPEN BIS1 in OPEN group.

并列第二苏志强在OPEN组的比赛中获得3次OPEN BIS1的成绩

No.2:Su Zhiqiang achieved 3 OPEN BIS1 in OPEN group.


第三名 Jed Chau在OPEN组的比赛中获得2次OPEN BIS1的成绩

No.3: Jed Chau achieved 2 OPEN BIS1 in OPEN group.


并列第三 蔡东晖在OPEN组的比赛中获得2次OPEN BIS1的成绩

No.3: Cai Donghui achieved 2 OPEN BIS1 in OPEN group.


并列第三 王春华在OPEN组的比赛中获得2次OPEN BIS1的成绩

No.3: Wang Chunhua achieved 2 OPEN BIS1 in OPEN group.


并列第三 徐军在OPEN组的比赛中获得2次OPEN BIS1的成绩

No.3:Xu Jun achieved 2 OPEN BIS1 in OPEN group.




Dogshow World committed to report the news of dog show at home and abroad, we strive to provide a detailed data of the domestic CKU game for your reference  per month . Thank you for your support. Many newcomers also got very good results In February.If you have any requirement, please contact Dogshow World and disclose the information to advertise yourself.




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